Financial problems are a lot like health issues. Symptoms might slowly appear over time. You may find yourself prioritizing which bills to pay or dipping into your savings until it is gone. Alternatively, you might suffer a serious and unexpected setback. Maybe you...
Month: July 2015
Miller Energy seems very close to bankruptcy
Though the company's executives say they are fighting to avoid it, it's impossible not to feel like Miller Energy is getting very close to bankruptcy. Revenue has not been able to keep up with debt, and the company has had a serious problem generating enough funds. In...
Video: What debts can I discharge in bankruptcy?
If you are overwhelmed by debt and are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you may be wondering which, if any, of your debts can be discharged. The good news is that most debts, including medical bills and credit card debt, can be wiped clean by Chapter 7...
What debts will Chapter 13 not get rid of?
When filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it's just as important to know what types of debt you cannot get rid of in Tennessee as it is to know what debt it can eliminate through a discharge and restructuring. A few of the things that Chapter 13 will not touch are as...
How long will a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing take?
Every case is different, and so that means there is no set amount of time that it takes to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Tennessee. However, there are some key averages and things you can expect if you're going to file, and your case should roughly fall into these...
Understanding fraud when filing for bankruptcy
If you are on the verge of filing for bankruptcy in Nashville, you must know what you can and cannot do, legally speaking, while you file. If you do things that are not permitted by law, you could be accused of fraud and even investigated by the FBI. For example, take...