Some people in Tennessee may not realize that there are errors on their credit reports until they attempt to get a loan or a job. They could be denied the loan or even a job because of errors that are not their fault. One study found that there were more 120 million...
Month: December 2017
Bankruptcy and your tax debt: Is it worth trying?
Back taxes can be very problematic. Being in debt with the IRS -- or a state, county or municipal authority, for that matter -- can lead to miserable consequences like payroll garnishment, liens and bank levies, sometimes when you least expect them. If you have...
How bankruptcy code changes impact creditors
Creditors in Tennessee may need to make themselves aware of changes to existing bankruptcy laws. These changes may impact those who have secured claims, unsecured claims or lien judgments in a Chapter 13 case. One important change relates to filing a proof of claim....
Bankruptcy changes
Debtors in Tennessee who are considering filing for bankruptcy may be interested to learn the changes that have been made to the federal rules of bankruptcy procedure. The changes, which became effective on December 1, 2017, also include a new plan form for Chapter 13...
Chapter 13 and foreclosure: Does the bank actually WANT my house?
It's incredibly stressful to live in fear of imminent foreclosure. If you're behind on house payments, your mortgage servicer may have started the hostile letters and aggressive talk about selling your house out from under you. You may be terrified about what this...
Can a Chapter 7 help you overcome your student loan problem?
Student loan debt has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. Millions of young people, along with lots of middle-aged folks and older adults, are struggling with huge student loan payments that are dominating their financial lives and causing them a good deal of...
Chapter 7 versus debt management plans (DMPs): Pros and cons
Nobody wants to stay immersed in the soul-crushing stress of debt, with its harassing phone calls from lowlife collection agents, the shame and embarrassment you feel and the fights it causes in your marriage or family. Whether the debt came from a divorce, a layoff,...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy: Will I lose my money and my property?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a legal, constitutional way to discharge debt that you can't afford to pay off. Millions of Americans have used this type of bankruptcy, often called a liquidation, to get rid of credit card debt, medical bills and other burdens that were...
Tips for paying down credit card debt
For Tennessee residents who are struggling with credit card debt, a hike in interest rates can make paying that debt off even more difficult. However, there are strategies they can use to reduce interest rates. One method is a balance transfer. Many credit cards will...
Buying a house after filing for bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a reality for many Tennessee residents struggling with debt. Sometimes, it is the only way out of a bad financial situation. Many people who have filed for bankruptcy wonder how long they will have to wait before they are able to buy a home. The answer...