Constant calls from creditors and increasing debt can make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. You may have thought about filing for bankruptcy but did not because you are afraid it might hurt your credit score. Trying to find a solution that best fits your financial...
Month: April 2020
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How many people file for bankruptcy?
Filing for bankruptcy can be a good option for relieving crippling financial debts. When someone encounters tragic and costly experiences like a massive medical bill, bankruptcy may be their only way to recover and move forward. In 2019, more than 750,000 people...
Attorney Steven Lefkovitz prevails for client at U.S. Court of Appeals
Attorney Steven Lefkovitz of Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz in Nashville recently prevailed for his client in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth District. The case was an appeal of a bankruptcy court ruling. The case involved MarketGraphics Research Group, Inc., of...
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