As soon as you start considering bankruptcy, the adage goes, you probably should have filed six months ago. People are so invested in the idea of resolving trouble on their own or fighting through personal challenges, that they often take too long to fully grasp their...
Year: 2020
Debt collectors soon will be able to find you on social media
Debt collection agencies will soon have more access to consumers, thanks to a new rule passed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Coming at a time of historic unemployment and millions of Americans facing financial difficulty, the rule could have a...
You remain responsible for certain debts after a bankruptcy
Surrounded by debt and anxiety, you try to maintain your lifestyle through a healthy use of credit cards. You rely on it to pay your medical bills, your weekly shopping trips to Walmart and major home repairs and restaurant meals. But you know that this house of cards...
Can you cure crippling medical debt?
Being sick in the U.S. can get expensive. It could cost you everything. With bills piling up across the country, you wouldn’t be alone by turning to bankruptcy for answers. Americans are paying twice the price for healthcare than just three decades ago. The main...
Signs that your financial health may benefit from bankruptcy
Many people are frightened of bankruptcy, which is unfortunate. People aren't afraid because bankruptcy is evil. In fact, filing for bankruptcy can be a financial savior for individuals. Some people are worried because myths and the evils of bankruptcy have been...
Debunking three bankruptcy myths
Some people hold a bad opinion of bankruptcy, by thinking that it is a sign of financial failure. Other people believe word of mouth about bankruptcy and have uninformed opinions about what it can and cannot do for someone. Financial experts have been predicting...
Will I lose my car in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
If you are looking to get out from underneath an overwhelming amount of debt, but your income prevents you from a reorganization bankruptcy, you may be looking into Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is known as a liquidation bankruptcy. In liquidation, your property is...
3 Ways to start building credit after filing for bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a big financial decision that will linger on your credit report for seven to 10 years. But while it isn’t without some financial setbacks, recovering your credit after bankruptcy is possible and can usually be accomplished in just a few years. By...
The truth about bankruptcy and student loans
For many people, their student loans are their largest and most burdensome debt. The cost of higher education in the U.S. is more than most students and their families can afford, so they take out loans to pay their tuition and related expenses. By the time they...
How does bankruptcy affect your credit score?
If you have always been the type of person to pay off bills quickly, you value the credit rating you have built. But sudden surprises like medical debt, job loss or home repairs can leave you owing more than you can pay. As you start to default on your bills, you...