Some people will tell you that the best way to avoid financial trouble and bankruptcy is to have no debt at all. In some situations, this can absolutely be true. If you are overly stressed out about owing money, health complications can even become an issue, and you...
Month: October 2015
These are some benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy
It can be difficult to decide for or against a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. There is a lot that goes into this decision, and you don't want to make the wrong choice as it could negatively impact you and your finances for many years to come. If you are considering...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can do a lot for you
It does not make sense to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy if you don't understand what this can do for your financial situation. Before you do anything, make sure you are familiar with the finer details of the process, including the benefits. With Chapter 13...
Answer common bankruptcy questions before filing
As you consider a bankruptcy filing, you will realize that there are pros and cons of moving forward with the process. You cannot move forward with a clear mind until you know the finer details of bankruptcy, including how it will impact you now and in the future. As...
Chapter 11 bankruptcy keeps laundry doors open
In a recent blog post, we discussed how Chapter 11 bankruptcy can help businesses or individuals restructure debts to create a more viable future. For businesses, Chapter 11 bankruptcy is often a beginning instead of an ending, and restructuring can mean the business...