Bankruptcy may sound like a good idea, but it is not something you get involved with until you know exactly how it will impact your life. While bankruptcy may make sense for some people, others find that they are better off with an alternative, such as debt...
Year: 2015
Don’t lose your home, file for Chapter 13
There is nothing more difficult than the thought of slipping behind on your mortgage payments. When this happens, it won't be long before you hear from the bank. They want to know what happened and when you are going to catch up. While some people are able to get back...
Debts that cannot be discharged under Chapter 7 bankruptcy
When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you go into the process with the hope that all of your debt will be discharged. While this holds true with most unsecured debt, there are some types that are immune to the bankruptcy process. Here is a list of the debts that...
Do you believe these bankruptcy myths to be true?
There is a lot of gray area when it comes to bankruptcy and how it will impact your life. It is imperative to separate fact from fiction so that you make the best decisions based on your personal situation. Below are several bankruptcy myths that can make the process...
Qualifying for Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Are you interesting in filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy? If so, you must first understand two things: -- If you are eligible to file -- How this will change your financial situation Most people who don't qualify for Chapter 7 soon find that they are eligible for...
What are the advantages of filing for bankruptcy?
There is never a time when you want to file for bankruptcy. If you find yourself in this position, it means something has gone wrong with your finances. While this may not be something you look forward to, there are benefits of moving forward if you have no other...
New bankruptcy forms coming soon
Are you considering a bankruptcy filing? Are you interested in learning more about what this entails? If so, you should know that many of the official bankruptcy forms currently in use are being replaced with an effective date of December 1, 2015. In 2008, the...
Can individuals file for Chapter 11?
As an individual interested in bankruptcy, you typically turn your attention to Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. While this may be true, there is another option to consider: Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This form of bankruptcy is available to both businesses and individuals. While...
Bankruptcy filings increased in October
Regardless of the month or year, there will always be people who consider the benefits of filing for bankruptcy. While some months are busier than others, nothing will ever change the fact that this is one of the best ways for people in a bad financial position to...
Should you try to have no debt at all?
Some people will tell you that the best way to avoid financial trouble and bankruptcy is to have no debt at all. In some situations, this can absolutely be true. If you are overly stressed out about owing money, health complications can even become an issue, and you...