Some people in Tennessee may not realize that there are errors on their credit reports until they attempt to get a loan or a job. They could be denied the loan or even a job because of errors that are not their fault. One study found that there were more 120 million confirmed credit report errors between 2014 and 2016.
The errors do not have to be major to jeopardize a person’s future. For example, one woman in Colorado was getting ready to buy a house. There was a $20 charge on her record from surgery her daughter had as a baby. It took eight months to investigate and correct the charge, and she could have lost the home loan in the meantime.
A man resolved a fraudulent credit card charge, but despite this, the charge returned to his credit report. He also almost lost a loan as a result. He said that he kept having to go between the bank, the merchant and the credit bureau to resolve the issue.
Unfortunately, many people face issues with their credit because they have legitimately fallen behind on their bills. Even the most responsible consumers might deal with medical issues, divorce and job loss that could result in mounting and overwhelming debt. When this occurs, a person might want to consult an attorney to discuss debt relief options. The attorney may be able to share some of the advantages and disadvantages of filing for bankruptcy. While doing so can damage a credit report, being unable to pay bills can also hurt a credit report. Furthermore, filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may stop a foreclosure on a home as well as other creditor actions including harassment and taking a person to court. A debtor may then keep some assets and work out a payment plan.