Is Bankruptcy Right For You? Get The Advice You Need
Our reputation is on the line with every new client or potential client. We understand that very well. We pledge never to rest on our laurels or deliver cookie-cutter solutions. Rather, we are committed to addressing each new query on a case-by-case basis. Naturally, you wonder if bankruptcy is really right for you. It is a big step to take — and not to be taken lightly.
Rest assured, we will never advise a potential client to file bankruptcy if we are not convinced it is the right decision for that person. Indeed, if we believe it would be a mistake for you to file bankruptcy, we will not accept your money — and in fact, we will not file on your behalf. That’s how serious we are about personalizing debt relief advice.
If You Can — And Want To — Pay Back Your Debts, We Can Guide The Way
We may believe, after reviewing your case, that a debt relief alternative would be more effective. We can advise you and guide you through options such as debt settlement negotiations if these solutions seem most suitable for you.
So how do we determine whether bankruptcy is the right choice for your particular debt circumstances? Yes, we crunch numbers. We also interview each potential client to understand his or her goals, challenges and comfort zone. In the end, it is often a well-founded “gut feeling” that allows us to recommend that a client file bankruptcy. This conviction is a result of years of experience helping overwhelmed debtors find their way forward.
If Your Circumstances And Your Attitude Indicate Bankruptcy Is Best, We Can Help Get You Started Without Delay
At the Tennessee bankruptcy law firm of Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz, we know no two debt situations are identical. A potential client with a dependable job is in a different position than one who has been laid off. A homeowner has a different situation than an apartment renter. An emergency such as wage garnishment or threatened home foreclosure may paint a very different picture than a troublesome debt portfolio with more time to think about it. With more than 37 years in bankruptcy law practice, Steve Lefkovitz can advise new clients from a strong basis of knowledge and experience.
Discuss Your Important Debt Relief Questions With An Attorney In A Free Initial Consultation
Lawyers at our office in Nashville (615-256-8300) and Cookeville (931-400-2218) will analyze your financial situation. They can answer the question, “Is bankruptcy right for you?” and recommend bankruptcy or an alternative. Call us or contact us via email for a prompt response.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.