How Can You Pay Your Bills If Creditors Garnish Your Wages?
When you get too far behind on your bills, creditors have the right to sue and get a court order that allows them to garnish your wages. This makes paying your current bills even more difficult, causing you to fall further and further behind. You can’t afford to let your creditors take what little you still have. Filing bankruptcy can stop wage garnishment and discharge your debt so you can start over again in your financial life.
The attorneys of Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz are familiar with the aggressive tactics creditors use to get their money. We have stopped wage garnishment for thousands of people in the Nashville area and across Middle Tennessee during our 37 years of practice. We understand how unfair it is for your creditors to expect you to pay your current bills while they’re taking the money you have to pay for past-due ones.
How Can Bankruptcy Stop My Wages From Being Garnished?
When you file bankruptcy, it puts an automatic stay in place. This prevents creditors from starting or continuing lawsuits against you, like court orders for wage garnishment. It also stops them from harassing you or repossessing your property.
Please note: Bankruptcy does not prevent wage garnishment for overdue child support and alimony payments, nor does it eliminate these payments.
All of the unsecured debts you have prior to filing bankruptcy, like credit card debt, medical bills and utility bills, will be discharged once the bankruptcy is done. Secured debts, like car loans and mortgage payments, will either have to be paid in full to the lender, reaffirmed (stating you will continue to pay the loan and make up the back payments) as part of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, or paid off as part of a Chapter 13 payment plan over a three- or five-year period.
We will review your financial situation and find the best solution to stop money from flowing through your fingers and allow you to hang onto some of it instead. Our lawyers are honest about your circumstances and may be blunt about some things you need to change. We want you to get through bankruptcy and never end up in this situation again.
Let Us Help You Get Yourself Out Of Your Financial Mess
Contact our office in Nashville at 615-256-8300 or our office in Cookeville at 931-400-2218 to schedule your free consultation. You can also reach us via email.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.