Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz

Nashville Office 615-256-8300       Cookeville Office 931-400-2218

Nashville Office 615-256-8300
Cookeville Office 931-400-2218

Serving all of Middle Tennessee’s Bankruptcy Needs

Getting Rid Of Your Debt Through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

When you’re deep in debt, the thing you want most is to get out and get out quickly. You want an end to the flood of letters and phone calls from your creditors, demanding money you don’t have. You want to be able to look at your bank account without panicking about how you’ll make it through to the next paycheck. You want to stop watching every penny you have go flying out the door.

At Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz, we understand how this feels because we’ve helped thousands of people just like you, in Nashville and all over Middle Tennessee, find debt relief through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Our lawyers will help you find the right solution to your financial problems.

What Is Chapter 7?

Chapter 7 is the form of bankruptcy most people file. It discharges your unsecured debt, like medical bills and credit card debt, so you can start over. Perhaps most importantly, it will stop your creditors from harassing you about overdue bills.

Not everyone qualifies for Chapter 7. You do have to take a means test to make sure Chapter 7 is the right option for you. If not, we may be able to put you in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead.

Our attorneys will sit down with you and review your financial circumstances. We’ll discuss your goals and what position you want to be in once you’re through the bankruptcy. We’ll explain all of your options and counsel you on the ones we think will work best for you.

If Chapter 7 is your best option, you may be done with the entire process, with your unsecured debts discharged, approximately four to six months from the time you file. We will help you determine when to file and what information you will need to file your petition.

If you have secured debt, such as a car loan or mortgage, we can help you figure out how to resolve those debts as well. Options include reaffirming your debt or paying off the loan. If you are worried about repossession or foreclosure, filing for bankruptcy is a good way to stop those processes so you have the time to create a plan.

For more information, read our articles, “Choosing between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13” and “Your vehicle in a bankruptcy: Should you reaffirm?”

Take Control Of Your Finances Instead Of Letting Them Control You

Contact our office in Nashville at 615-256-8300 or our office in Cookeville at 931-400-2218 to schedule your free consultation. You can also reach us via email.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

We help individuals and businesses find the right solution to their money problems.

Our Practice Areas

Debt Relief
Debt Management
Bankruptcy FAQs