You Don’t Have To Remain A Prisoner Of Your Credit Card Company
It doesn’t matter why you ended up in debt, once you get behind on your credit card bills, it may feel like you’ll never pay them off. And even if you do make regular payments, the interest on your balance will keep increasing until you feel buried under a mountain of debt.
At Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz, we can help you solve your debt problems, regardless of how large and complicated they are. Our attorneys are the ones to turn to when it seems like no one else can help. We have found the right debt relief solutions for thousands of people in Nashville and the surrounding areas during our 37 years of practice here in Tennessee. Our goal is to get you out of debt and on to a better financial future.
How Can I Get Rid Of My Credit Card Debt?
Credit card debt is considered to be unsecured debt, meaning you don’t promise collateral against the debt, like you would in a mortgage or a car loan. Unsecured debt is discharged in bankruptcy, leaving you free to get your finances in order and start paying your bills on time again.
But What About My Credit Score?
To be blunt, if you’re even considering bankruptcy, your credit score has probably already been pretty badly damaged. In fact, filing bankruptcy can result in an improvement in your credit score. Yes, the bankruptcy will remain on your financial record for 10 years, but once you can pay your bills in full and on time, your credit score will slowly rebuild as you show yourself to be financially responsible again.
Will I Ever Be Able To Have A Credit Card Again?
Yes. Filing for bankruptcy does not ban you from applying for or obtaining a credit card in the future. However, we strongly recommend that you avoid using a credit card for as long as possible until you get your finances under control.
Our lawyers will review your financial situation and advise you on the best options to solve your problem. We will guide you through the entire process so you can get a fresh start.
Put Your Credit Card Debt To Rest
Contact our office in Nashville at 615-256-8300 or our office in Cookeville at 931-400-2218 to schedule your free consultation. You can also reach us via email.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.